vacation mutha fuckers

four a small vacation i went out to milwakee with my little friend al for a four day vacation and filled everywaking hour of my time drunk beyond my own belief. After the fire works on the fourth i walked into a bar on the way home ordered two shots of sambuca, which ended up to be patron and then covered the ground in front of the bar with vomit, very happy that i went by myself On the fifth went to a little show called summerfest and saw eleven hours some of the most redonculusly good music you can cram into an event. Coolwaters, particle yonder, flogging molly, wilco, and some good random mill town bands. i lost the people i went there with and ended up sitting drunk in the parking lot by my self. All the people that stayed in this house and al told me that one of the kids must half to be my hetero life mate, he was the first person to be arrested at summer fest on the first day. Coming back and going to work today i was actaully sent home for looking like shit and almost throwing up which made my night because i didnt want to work any damn ways. Much love to al my little sugar for bringin me out there and introducing me to a ton of cool ass people. oh yeah and richie and his bass player sleepin out side this morning was a damn riot
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