yeah i brought that shit back

if you were wondering for any reason who brought sexy back it is redonculusly clear, when i wasnt with liz i was literally beating women (and some men) away with a fucking stick on Saturday night

so liz and i started at this party out in lonsdale, very melo but was still a good time. had some beers saw fonzi in a sheep fucking costume talking to a keg. after a couple of hours we drove up to minneapolis to go to caseys and being able to stumble back to liz's was a a definite plus.

that looked more like this. there was nine million people there which wasnt surprising. was still a good time but it was decided later that we should have stayed in the dale. we came to the conclusion that as much as we'd like to think we havent, we got old. all that we have to look forward to now is getting married, having kids and dieing