there is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane

im sure they here it constantly so i dont even attempt to utter the words. i am hoping everone has seen point break and if you havent it was the same exact thing as the fast and the furious except its about surfing instead of street racing, what ever im getting away from the point. I have the line "so how do you feel about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane johny?" while im sitting in a small air conditioned room watching a man that is literally 497 years old that looks what i think willie nelsons grandpa would look like, tell you strait that there is no perfect airplane, parachute, jump instructor, harness, or student. well thanks a lot but i already gave you 175 $ so heading all warning i jumped my ass out that plane and it was infriggincredible.

After this we drove a couple of hours down the road to we ended up in hayward wisconsin where the rocket scientists that we are we had a kegger on the beach in the center of a lightning storm keg stands and all. Feeling that wasnt enough we all hopped on the steel party barge bringing the keg along with to go fishing at 1 am. We woke up and started drinking the rest of the keg beer that we had not finished we fueled up the boats for some wake boarding and general water sports. i had to leave early to come back but still got to see two things that are know burnt into my head, troy puking in the water and it not really going anywhere and paul taking a 15 dump in the water.

You forgot to mention it was for your sister's fiance's bachelor party. Congratulations Mike and Jenny! Chris-I think you need Hooked on Phonics because your spelling is B-A-D.
Anonymous, at 10:00 AM
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