Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
breaking news?

clay aiken came out of the closet to people magazine. i do believe that anyone with the intelligence of boo radly could have seen this coming. for as much as i love george michael's faith, he was still in wam, still in short shorts, everyone saw it coming. elton john is, was, and will always be the shit; the man rights a great song and plays and mean piano. not exactly the most badass mother fucker though. liberace, well he didn't even hide it. now i am not saying that clay holds 1/5 of the talent the others above have, only using them since they are all in the music biz. clay we knew you were gay too. your proclamation was a waste of ink, im sorry.
now if you were to say this woman in the middle was a carpet muncher, that shit would be some breaking ass news. id say the same about the other too, but the one on the left has been called a fag so many times by his own girlfriend it makes you wonder. as for the one on the right, well if your shoes and belt always match...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
kill whitey
why on earth would you say that? one might say. well kitty cats i'll tell you. whites, more over, white women have switched there vote and now john mccain is ahead in the polls. this would not bother me so much but i swear to fucking christ i can't go out to get a pack of smokes with out running into nine guys you fucked. never mind wrong rant.
what i was trying to say is that you can't go anywhere and not listen to people bitch about a war thats gone on for too long, gas prices that are too high, unemployment rates skyrocketing, and that our economy is just flat out in the shitter. i won't listen to it anymore, not from fucking white people anyways. some thing's wrong fix it, you don't care enough to fix it SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. i don't want to here about the price of heating a house, that people aren't making enough, the price of milk, and god help your daughters if they get pregnant and had even entertained the idea of having an abortion, cause that shit will be illegal soon.
im sure after we reach the population of china, are burning trash in our homes to keep warm in the winter and drinking milk off the tit of a rat, whitey can look back, and think about how neat it is there's not a black guy in office but instead some moron that refers to herself as a dog.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
im on fire
Sunday, September 07, 2008
crumpled suit
i have no problem admitting when i have done something wrong, and i was advised i did so recently so i need to make a correction. the statement about republicans not caring about black people is wrong. and i shouldn't make such broad false accusations, a true journalist wouldn't role like that... anyways its not that republicans don't care about black people, its just that if your last name is Lamoureux you don't care about black people.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
i almost forgot
kanye west said back in 05 that george bush doesnt care about black people. well, he's right on a larger scale than he thinks. watching people interviewed in the city i was born in at the rnc, fucking republicans dont care about black people. and i quote "jesus we werent going to get our convention because some people down in new orleans are getting rained on."