we ll start this off at the beginning where most stories start, or ones that make sense anyways. keg beer at caseys, some beer pong, general shennigans. the man says were going on a mission and i comply. we walk down hennipen ave. and hit every bar on the way there. decently lit when we get there kedall stops for this one(you cant see it but thats the sign behind him)
i have a ginormous fear of heights which is funny since i love to rock climb, i guess the rope gives me a little bit of reassurance. by the by im shitting my pants climbing up the fucking scaffolding up to the ladder (which was cut off so people couldnt climb) i didnt think i could make it. kendall put my ass in check and got me to spider monkey up that fucker. the view from the top is ridiculous and totally worth the death defying climb
if you ever wondered what it looks like to look down the grain belt sign, this is it
being some hundred feet in the air i was nervous where as the man is hanging off this bitch like it was a jungle gym. so yeah this is when i found out that justin reed kendall is without fear. that motherfucker is my boy and i love his ass to death. the news team cant do anything without a celebratory drink so we did that thing, well we actually hit all the bars on the way back too but that was inevitable
we drank the same amount but on the way back but Kendall got entirely tanktied... tweedladeet. So the last quarter mile i had to carry his ass and in all honesty i would have piggy backed his ass the three miles back from the sign if i had too, still would have been worth it.