
Sunday, August 20, 2006

and the squirrel master comes out of left field

"boots to what bitch, boots to chemists boots boots to chemists..."

Jap Karate 2006

so me and this fucker devised a plan to see who could get drunker than who, anyone with any sense of style has played this game before so i need not tell you how it goes down. started drinkin when i woke up with brothers lovested and starback. they had to go to work at 4 (and yes they were smashed when they went in) so i hook up
with this man for some contest action.
we did it like this we did it like that, mother fucker we did it with a wiffle ball bat. after glorious games of beer pong and getting to the point where im to drunk to be in public (but a keggers not public is it) and out of left field comes the squirrel master

thats the cmp s girlfriend holding a fucking squirrel that she caught. no shit she had this fucker just hanging out with her for like three hours. to finally get rid of the little shit she had to drive a couple miles down the road and let it out there
the boys had a little bit of a sing along later and i am sorry to say that my old traveling minstrel has been replaced
on the ride back to caseys kendalls busted ass looked like this so i can only imagine starting before he did in the day, i looked much fucking worse


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